Working Papers
Under Review
Journal Publications
Revealed Preference and Activity Rules in Dynamic Auctions, (with Lawrence Ausubel),
International Economic Review, 61(2): 471-502, 2020
Core-Selecting Auctions with Incomplete Information, (with Lawrence Ausubel),
International Journal of Game Theory, 49(1): 251-273, 2020
An Efficient Ascending Auction for Private Valuations,
Journal of Economic Theory, 177: 495-517, 2018
A Practical Guide to the Combinatorial Clock Auction,
(with Lawrence Ausubel),
Economic Journal, 127(605): F334-F350, 2017
Efficient Procurement Auctions with Increasing Returns, (with Lawrence Ausubel, Christina Aperjis and Thayer Morrill),
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 9(3): 1-27, 2017
Market Design and the Evolution of the Combinatorial Clock Auction, (with Lawrence Ausubel),
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 104(5): 446-451, 2014